Title: Refracted Visions (Or Some Photographs of Photographs)
Photographer/s: Brian Arnold
Date of publication: November 2015
Title: Refracted Visions (Or Some Photographs of Photographs)
Photographer/s: Brian Arnold
Date of publication: November 2015
Title: NOW
Photographer/s: Philip Persson, Julie Clifforth, Iselin Page
Contributor/s: Marija G. Repsyte, Darren Barrett
Date of publication: 2015
Photographer/s: Michel Mazzoni
Contributor/s: BenoƮt Dusart
Date of publication: mai 2015
Title: the sea that surrounds us
Photographer/s: Maureen Drennan
Date of publication: September 2015
Title: I and Thou
Photographer/s: Mi-Yeon
Contributor/s: Mi-Yon
Date of publication: 2015
Title: Castles and Islands
Photographer/s: Joshua Edwards
Date of publication: April 1, 2016
Title: Made in Durham
Photographer/s: Justin Cook
Date of publication: September 15, 2015
Title: Lunigiana eye open
Photographer/s: Riccardo Vitali
Contributor/s: none
Date of publication: november 2015