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Indie Photobook Library » Books


Title: Eden

Photographer/s: Aaron Canipe

Contributor/s: Introduction text by Carin Tillman

Date of publication: April 2012

Am I Bleeding

Title: Am I Bleeding

Photographer/s: Tim Anderson

Date of publication: April 2012

Mediations Five: Strabismus

Title: Mediations Five: Strabismus

Photographer/s: Mark Harley

Date of publication: April 2012

Kuo Diary

Title: Kuo Diary

Photographer/s: Hannah Kuo

Date of publication: April 2012

A Mid-Western Tragedy

Title: A Mid-Western Tragedy

Photographer/s: Nathaniel Grann

Date of publication: April 2012


Title: Vacilando

Photographer/s: Jordan Swartz

Date of publication: April 2012

Petty Thieves #1

Title: Petty Thieves #1

Photographer/s: Aaron Canipe
Frank Carino
Caroline Carpenter
Joe Nigel Coleman
Peter Currie
Nathaniel Grann
Lucas Grisinelli
Sam Clifford-Harding
Mathieu Hubert
Andrew Kenney
Aleksey Koualeu
Jessica Lancaster
Chris Little
Adam Malantonio
Sarah Katherine Moore
Andrew Musson
Jean-Michael Seminaro
Michael Ten Pas
Jordan Swartz
Justine Tobiasz
Sofia Torres
Brad Westcott

Date of publication: April 2012

June 2012: Wrestling

Title: June 2012: Wrestling

Photographer/s: Tammy Mercure

Date of publication: June 2012

Free Fall

Title: Free Fall

Photographer/s: Laura Noel

Date of publication: June 2011, September 2011, December 2011, March 2012

Stromend Geluk

Title: Stromend Geluk

Photographer/s: Bjorn Staps

Contributor/s: Timo de Rijk (text)
Boudie Rijkschroeff (text)

Date of publication: february 2012