Title: Sometime Blues + Witches Brew
Photographer/s: Nathaniel Grann
Date of publication: January 2014
Title: Sometime Blues + Witches Brew
Photographer/s: Nathaniel Grann
Date of publication: January 2014
Title: Rattle These Bones
Photographer/s: Brad Westcott
Date of publication: May 2014
Title: Suspect Device
Photographer/s: Chris Suspect
Contributor/s: Forward by Alec MacKaye
Date of publication: June 2014
Title: The Mad Butcher
Photographer/s: Dale Rothenberg
Date of publication: December 2014
Title: Marcha al Mar
Photographer/s: Dominic Bracco II
Contributor/s: The Prime Collective
Date of publication: August 2015
Title: Report from the Other Side
Photographer/s: Philip Zimmermann
Contributor/s: n/a
Date of publication: 2013
Title: Ojalá
Photographer/s: Philip Zimmermann (and anonymous Mexican police photographers).
Contributor/s: León de la Rosa
Date of publication: 2012