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Indie Photobook Library » Books

“…the Indie Photobook Library is fast becoming one of Washington’s more interesting small collections.” – Mark Jenkins, Washington Post Express, November 9, 2011

View From This Side

Title: View From This Side

Photographer/s: Mark Dyball

Date of publication: 2009


Title: Noroc

Photographer/s: Cedric Van Turtelboom

Date of publication: 1st July 2010

Shared Sorrows, Divided Lines

Title: Shared Sorrows, Divided Lines

Photographer/s: Justyna Mielnikiewicz

Date of publication: published few copies as a Book Dummy in 2010

Suburbia Mexicana

Title: Suburbia Mexicana

Photographer/s: Alejandro Cartagena

Contributor/s: Gerardo Montiel

Date of publication: 2009

All Things are Always Changing

Title: All Things are Always Changing

Photographer/s: Barbara Ciurej and Lindsay Lochman

Contributor/s: text from The Metamorphoses by Ovid

Date of publication: 2008 (edition revision 2011)

Palestine 1937

Title: Palestine 1937

Photographer/s: original photographs: Pearl Braun Chertok

Digital restoration, cropping and enhancement
Book design: Lynda Fay Braun

Date of publication: 2011



Title: Transitions-Rochester

Photographer/s: Theo Baart
Jason Bernagozzi
Gregory Halpern
Cary Markerink
Juliana Muniz
Andrea Stultiens
Dan Varenka

Contributor/s: FUA Krew
Visual Studies Workshop
George Eastman House
Rochester Contemporary Art Center

Date of publication: 2011


Title: Turns

Photographer/s: Davi Russo

Date of publication: September 15th 2011

The Terrorist’s Handbook

Title: The Terrorist’s Handbook

Photographer/s: David Schulz

Date of publication: 9/11/11