Title: Moisés
Photographer/s: Mariela Sancari
Contributor/s: HYDRA and Fundación Televisa
Date of publication: June 2015
Title: Moisés
Photographer/s: Mariela Sancari
Contributor/s: HYDRA and Fundación Televisa
Date of publication: June 2015
Title: If not act, nothing will be changed.
Photographer/s: Blair Kitchener
Date of publication: Feb 2015
Title: Dreams about John Cage and Butterflies
Photographer/s: David Agasi
Contributor/s: Cold Green Tea Press
Date of publication: 01/01/2014
Title: Accordion Book for Blood Rites
Photographer/s: J.H. Hardcastle
Contributor/s: Cold Green Tea Press
Date of publication: April 20, 2015
Title: Alle Katzen Grau
Photographer/s: Christian Reister
Contributor/s: Christian Reister
Date of publication: May 2015
Title: Half Year
Photographer/s: Tennessy Elledge, Trevor Powers, Laurence Philomene, Nathan Pearce, Megan Magill, Andrew Janjigian, Dawa Yolmo, Dana Stirling, Jordanna Kalman, Samantha Sealy, Erika Huffman, Aleksei Kazantsev, Caitlin Duennebier, Maury Gortemiller, Sid Black, Brian Henry, Bridget Collins, Anne-Christine Normand, Collin Avery, Hope Yoders, Dent de Lion, Michael Bach, Leanne Surfleet, Rebecca Cairns, Kyra Kennedy
Date of publication: 2015