

Title: Moisés

Photographer/s: Mariela Sancari

Contributor/s: HYDRA and Fundación Televisa

Date of publication: June 2015

If not act, nothing will be changed.

Blair Kitchener

Title: If not act, nothing will be changed.

Photographer/s: Blair Kitchener

Date of publication: Feb 2015

i shot myself

I shot myself

Title: i shot myself

Terrain Vague

Terrain Vague

Title: Terrain Vague

Photographer/s: Gary M. Green

Date of publication: 2014

Dreams about John Cage and Butterflies

Dreams About

Title: Dreams about John Cage and Butterflies

Photographer/s: David Agasi

Contributor/s: Cold Green Tea Press

Date of publication: 01/01/2014

Accordion Book for Blood Rites

Blood Rites mini

Title: Accordion Book for Blood Rites

Photographer/s: J.H. Hardcastle

Contributor/s: Cold Green Tea Press

Date of publication: April 20, 2015

Blood Rites

Blood Rites

Title: Blood Rites

Photographer/s: J.H. Hardcastle

Date of publication: 4/20/2015



Title: Deadline

Photographer/s: Will Steacy

Contributor/s: 70 Essays By Current & Former Staff Of The Philadelphia Inquirer: Roger Allaway, Ann Applegate, Mike Armstrong, Tony Auth, Sandy Bauers, Art Carey, John Carroll, George Carter, Andrew Cassel, David Cohen, Porus P. Cooper, Marguerite Del Giudice, Clark DeLeon, Melissa Dribben, Murray Dubin, Jane Eisner, Larry Eichel, Bob Fernandez, Tom Ferrick, Kevin Ferris, Gene Foreman, Robert Frump, Joseph Gambardello, Jeff Gammage, Joyce Gemperlein, Thomas Ginsberg, Josh Gohlke, Kristen Graham, Mel Greenberg, Cynthia Greer, Kia Gregory, Alan J. Heavens, Karen Heller, Chris Hepp, Miriam Hill, Deirdre Childress Hopkins, David Cay Johnston, Don Kimelman, Monica Yant Kinney, Andrea Knox, Mike Leary, Daniel LeDuc, Jennifer Lin, Sandra Long, Alfred Lubrano, Bill Marsh, Dale Mezzacappa, Alexis Moore, Arlene Notoro Morgan, Jonathan Neumann, Rick Nichols, Mike Placentra, Dick Polman, Natalie Pompilo, Carrie Rickey, Avery Rome, Daniel Rubin, Stephan Salisbury, Don Sapatkin, Stephen Seplow, Tom Steacy, Allison Steele, James Steele, John Sullivan, Sue Syrnick, Miriam Tarver, Mike Vitez, Jane Von Bergen, Butch Ward, Amy Worden

Date of publication: 2015

Alle Katzen Grau

Alle Katzen Grau

Title: Alle Katzen Grau

Photographer/s: Christian Reister

Contributor/s: Christian Reister

Date of publication: May 2015

Half Year

Half Year

Title: Half Year

Photographer/s: Tennessy Elledge, Trevor Powers, Laurence Philomene, Nathan Pearce, Megan Magill, Andrew Janjigian, Dawa Yolmo, Dana Stirling, Jordanna Kalman, Samantha Sealy, Erika Huffman, Aleksei Kazantsev, Caitlin Duennebier, Maury Gortemiller, Sid Black, Brian Henry, Bridget Collins, Anne-Christine Normand, Collin Avery, Hope Yoders, Dent de Lion, Michael Bach, Leanne Surfleet, Rebecca Cairns, Kyra Kennedy

Date of publication: 2015