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Indie Photobook Library » Books

Aura Video Station 5.1

Title: Aura Video Station 5.1

Photographer/s: Dan Schmahl

Date of publication: April 5, 2011

The Random Series -berliner trato-

Title: The Random Series -berliner trato-

Photographer/s: Miguel Ángel Tornero

Date of publication: oct. 2010

Con-form: The Torso Project

Title: Con-form: The Torso Project

Photographer/s: Craig Clark

Date of publication: June 2007

Miet Me

Title: Miet Me

Photographer/s: Schröder, E.

Date of publication: March 2009

NYC 2001

Title: NYC 2001

Photographer/s: Claudio Pfeifer

Date of publication: May 2009


Title: heed

Photographer/s: Virginia Echeverria

Date of publication: february 2011


Title: LOVE

Photographer/s: Stephane Leonard

Contributor/s: Martin Eichhorn

Date of publication: february 2011

I didn’t see it coming

Title: I didn’t see it coming

Photographer/s: Emanuele Cardesi

Date of publication: November 2010



Photographer/s: Robbert Geens

Date of publication: November 2010

3 Months In Another Place

Title: 3 Month In Another Place

Photographer/s: Daniel Evans

Date of publication: January 2011