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Indie Photobook Library » Books


Title: anchor.

Photographer/s: Franklin Obregon

Date of publication: January 2011

General Public

Title: General Public

Photographer/s: Karl Addison

Date of publication: January 2011

There Is Another Star

Title: There Is Another Star

Photographer/s: Sarah Duncan

Date of publication: January 2011

Boring Summer

Title: Boring Summer

Photographer/s: Lewis Chaplin

Date of publication: November 2010

Was it a Dream

Title: Was it a Dream

Photographer/s: Ayala Gazit

Date of publication: 2010



Photographer/s: Jasen Strickler
Ken Richardson
Andrew M.K. Warren

Contributor/s: Leslie K. Brown

Date of publication: 2005


Title: metropolis

Photographer/s: Rob Macdonald

Date of publication: 18/9/2010

Seven Verses of Emptiness

Title: Seven Verses of Emptiness

Photographer/s: Mirjana Vrbaski

Date of publication: June 2010

21 Recent Photographs

Title: 21 Recent Photographs

Photographer/s: John MacLean

Contributor/s: Design: Emily Moxon

Date of publication: 2007

48 Recent Photographs

Title: 48 Recent Photographs

Photographer/s: John MacLean

Date of publication: 2008