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Indie Photobook Library » Books

Dying Birds

Title: Dying Birds

Photographer/s: Nicolai Howalt & Trine Sondergaard

Date of publication: October 2010

Tread Through Gray

Title: Tread Through Gray

Photographer/s: Tuomas Korpijaakko

Date of publication: 2010

Grown Down

Title: Grown Down

Photographer/s: Lindsey Castillo & Tuomas Korpijaakko

Date of publication: 2010

Needing Nothing

Title: Needing Nothing

Photographer/s: Tuomas Korpijaakko

Date of publication: 2010

Deep & Cold Puddle!

Title: Deep & Cold Puddle!

Photographer/s: Tuomas Korpijaakko

Date of publication: 2011


Title: Bookmarks

Photographer/s: Tuomas Korpijaakko

Date of publication: 2010

RGB Transferences

Title: RGB Transferences

Photographer/s: Pierre Le Hors

Date of publication: 2010

Photographing Places II

Title: Photographing Places II

Photographer/s: Steve Mayes

Date of publication: 2009


Title: Study

Photographer/s: Chrissy Deiger

Contributor/s: Onna Solomon, author of abstract

Date of publication: 2011

The Us and The They: Prejudice and Empathy in America’s Smallest County

Title: The Us and The They: Prejudice and Empathy in America’s Smallest County

Photographer/s: Kay Chernush

Date of publication: 2010