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Indie Photobook Library » Books



Photographer/s: Michael Itkoff

Date of publication: March 2011


Title: BAG

Photographer/s: Ellie Brown

Date of publication: 2010

Firework Studies

Title: Firework Studies

Photographer/s: Pierre Le Hors

Date of publication: December 2010

Less Vegas

Title: Less Vegas

Photographer/s: Mauro D’Agati

Date of publication: April 2011

Skyros Carnival

Title: Skyros Carnival

Photographer/s: Dick Blau

Contributor/s: Text by Agapi Amanatidis and Panayiotis Panopoulos

DVD and CD by Steven Feld

Date of publication: 3/15/11

B Sides

Title: B Sides

Photographer/s: Stephen Gill

Date of publication: 2010

In Between Dreams

Title: In Between Dreams

Photographer/s: Christine Johanson
Emelie Larsson
Katarina Andersson
Sabina Rislund
Johan Bohlin
Amanda Larsson
Johan Gustavsson
Carl-Johan Lindgren
Polly Yassin
Alva Thylén
Åsa Olsson
Elin Wittzell
Johanna Thorbjörnsson
Jennica Norling
Anna Wikström
Mathilda Boström
Mikael Karlsson

Contributor/s: Peter Noren
Sven-Erik Hansson
Kay Curthbert
Thomas Wågström
Denis Bernard
Nina Grundemark
David Ottosson
Leif Nilsson
Henrik Karlsson
Bengt Strömberg
Susanne Ranunger
Torbjörn Edvardsson

Date of publication: april 2010

Lost and Found

Title: Lost and Found

Photographer/s: Heidi L. Kirkpatrick

Date of publication: 2008

The Color of Hay: The Peasants of Maramures, Transylvania

Title: The Color of Hay: The Peasants of Maramures, Transylvania

Photographer/s: Kathleen Laraia McLaughlin

Contributor/s: H. Woods McLaughlin – Text

Date of publication: December, 2010

The Pier

Title: The Pier

Photographer/s: Nils Petter Löfstedt

Date of publication: December, 2010