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Indie Photobook Library » Books



Title: Housebroken

Photographer/s: Areca Roe

Contributor/s: Tamatha Perlman

Date of publication: 2015

Fear of Disappearance

Fear of Disappearance

Title: Fear of Disappearance

Photographer/s: Mariya Ustymenko

Date of publication: 2015



Title: Motoracer

Photographer/s: Yves Suter

Date of publication: Jan 2015

The Room

The Room

Title: The Room

Photographer/s: Yves Suter

Contributor/s: Rainer Brenner

Date of publication: May 2015

Shock and Awe

Shock and Awe

Title: Shock and Awe

Photographer/s: Ethan Rafal

Contributor/s: Ethan Rafal

Date of publication: 2015, February

35 Bilder Krieg (35 Picture War)

35 Bilder Krieg

Title: 35 Bilder Krieg (35 Picture War)

Photographer/s: Lukas Birk, Victor Birk

Date of publication: 07/2015


Night Garden


Photographer/s: Amanda Marchand

Contributor/s: Dr. Anthony Bannon – afterword

Date of publication: May 2015

HomeLands: Utica

Robb Hill

Title: HomeLands: Utica

Photographer/s: Robb Hill

Date of publication: March 2015



Title: Common

Photographer/s: David Crompton

Date of publication: November 2014

Falling from a height

Falling from a height

Title: Falling from a height

Photographer/s: Martijn Berk

Contributor/s: Oscar van den Boogaard

Date of publication: June 2013