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Indie Photobook Library » Books

The Singled Person

Title: The Singled Person

Photographer/s: Michael Ackerman, Morten Andersen, Thorsten Kirchhoff, Peer Kugler, André Lützen, Hisashi Murayama and Filippo Romano

Contributor/s: Adam Cohen

Date of publication: September 2009


Title: Grassland

Photographer/s: Phil Underdown

Date of publication: 2010

Found Piles and other Topographica

Title: Found Piles and other Topographica

Photographer/s: John Steck Jr.

Date of publication: 2011

Forest Coast

Title: Forest Coast

Photographer/s: Ben Grieme & Clarke Tolton

Date of publication: 2011

The Hogtown Project

Title: The Hogtown Project

Photographer/s: Kristie Macor

Contributor/s: Nadine Dolly- writing

Date of publication: July 2010

Moving out of State- Reasonable

Title: Moving out of State- Reasonable

Photographer/s: Scott Hubener

Contributor/s: Nora Hartlaub (Interviewer)

Date of publication: 2010

Gita Lenz

Title: Gita Lenz

Photographer/s: Gita Lenz

Contributor/s: Gordon Stettinius

Date of publication: September 2010

The Story of Four Generations

Title: The Story of Four Generations

Photographer/s: Yee Ling Tang

Contributor/s: introduction written by Will Tinnemans.
(Patty Wageman, director of Groninger Museum)

Date of publication: 3th of February 2011

Stapled Photo Grids

Title: Stapled Photo Grids

Photographer/s: David Underwood

Date of publication: December 2010


Title: Mornings/Evenings

Photographer/s: Todd M Walker

Date of publication: January 2011