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Indie Photobook Library » Books

Lush Light

Title: Lush Light

Photographer/s: Andi Schreiber

Date of publication: July 2010

Kirk Crippens 2009 2010

Title: Kirk Crippens 2009 2010

Photographer/s: Kirk Crippens

Date of publication: 2010


Title: Reptilis

Photographer/s: Singenu

Date of publication: July 9th, 2010

Behind the Curtains (pre-production prototype)

Title: Behind the Curtains (pre-production prototype)

Photographer/s: Tomas van Houtryve

Date of publication: July 9, 2010

But where are all the people

Title: But where are all the people

Photographer/s: Marcus Bastel

Date of publication: March 2010


Title: MOSH

New York City

Title: New York City

Photographer/s: Squale

Date of publication: October 2010

Open Books

Title: Open Books

Photographer/s: Matt Kowal

Date of publication: 11/25/2010


Title: Imprint

Photographer/s: Nathan Larimer

Contributor/s: Foreword by Lee Burbage

Date of publication: 2010

Orchard, Volume One / Crime Victims Chronicle

Title: Orchard, Volume One / Crime Victims Chronicle

Photographer/s: Raymond Meeks
Deborah Luster

Contributor/s: text by Rose Preston and Kevin Sullivan

cover design and binding by Rory Sparks

Date of publication: November 2010