Title: Lush Light
Photographer/s: Andi Schreiber
Date of publication: July 2010
Title: Kirk Crippens 2009 2010
Photographer/s: Kirk Crippens
Date of publication: 2010
Title: Behind the Curtains (pre-production prototype)
Photographer/s: Tomas van Houtryve
Date of publication: July 9, 2010
Title: But where are all the people
Photographer/s: Marcus Bastel
Date of publication: March 2010
Title: Imprint
Photographer/s: Nathan Larimer
Contributor/s: Foreword by Lee Burbage
Date of publication: 2010
Title: Orchard, Volume One / Crime Victims Chronicle
Photographer/s: Raymond Meeks
Deborah Luster
Contributor/s: text by Rose Preston and Kevin Sullivan
cover design and binding by Rory Sparks
Date of publication: November 2010