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Indie Photobook Library » Books

Amnesia Hat, Issue 01: March-June 2010

Title: Amnesia Hat, Issue 01: March-June 2010

Photographer/s: Kenneth Traynor

Date of publication: October 2010

Living with Myself Forgetting

Title: Living with Myself Forgetting

Photographer/s: David Agasi

Date of publication: March 2010

PUUR. Trotse tienermoeders

Title: PUUR. Trotse tienermoeders

Photographer/s: MeRy (Melanie Rijkers, pronounce Rikers)

Contributor/s: Miranda Baas (text)

Date of publication: April 1, 2009

durations of time – photographs by bill purvis

Title: durations of time – photographs by bill purvis

Photographer/s: bill purvis

Date of publication: 01 Nov 2010

The Way Things Are

Title: The Way Things Are

Photographer/s: Anthony Blasko

Date of publication: July 2009

Riverside Story

Title: Riverside Story

Photographer/s: GION

Date of publication: 2008



Photographer/s: Viktoria A. Lisbet

Date of publication: October 2010

Watch Me Jumpstart

Title: Watch Me Jumpstart

Photographer/s: Linn Heidi Stokkedal

Date of publication: October 2010

Stranger Tongues

Title: Stranger Tongues

Photographer/s: Jordan Carroll

Date of publication: August 2010

Motion Stickiness

Title: Motion Stickiness

Photographer/s: Alain Marciano

Date of publication: August 2010