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Indie Photobook Library » Books

Capturing the Light

Title: Capturing the Light

Photographer/s: ©Lewis Kemper

Date of publication: June 2009

Empty L.A.

Title: Empty L.A.

Photographer/s: Matt Logue

Date of publication: 2009

the f word

Title: the f word

Photographer/s: angela marklew

Contributor/s: david delima (foreward)

Date of publication: july 2009


Title: offSET

Photographer/s: Lacey Terrell

Date of publication: 2009

The Deer Hunters

Title: The Deer Hunters

Photographer/s: Stewart Simons

Date of publication: 2009

Where is My Vote

Title: Where is My Vote

Photographer/s: Ramin Talaie

Date of publication: July 2009

Familiar Strangers

Title: Familiar Strangers

Owen Fitter Photography

Title: Owen Fitter Photography

Photographer/s: Owen Fitter

Date of publication: Ongoing

American Holidays

Title: American Holidays

Photographer/s: Julia Gillard

Date of publication: 2008

Some Fox Trails In Virginia

Title: Some Fox Trails In Virginia

Photographer/s: Susan Worsham

Date of publication: 2009