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Indie Photobook Library » Books

I Want You Magazine – Issue 4

Title: I Want You Magazine – Issue 4

Photographer/s: christian petersen
lydia anne mccarthy
black lodge
correa and bartoletti
rossina bossio
bettina chanel
chantal young

Contributor/s: syoichiro nishimoto
jeffrey meyer
mark owen
conny prantera
duncan malashock
hisham bharoocha
ryan riss
christian usera
ben branagan
stellar om source

Date of publication: September 2010

A Specter from the land of if

Title: A Specter from the land of if

Photographer/s: Outlandish Photography (Sarah Gerats, Frederik Heyman, Michèle Matyn, Fien Muller, Sarah van Marcke, Simon Vansnick)

Date of publication: August 2010

The Album Project

Title: The Album Project

Photographer/s: Charles Mintz

Contributor/s: Isaac Mintz
Douglas Max Utter

Date of publication: 12/2009

A Body of Work

Title: A Body of Work

Photographer/s: Peter Collie

Date of publication: Jan 2008

un paseo al lado del mar/a walk by the sea

Title: un paseo al lado del mar/a walk by the sea

Photographer/s: Javier Fernández Pérez de Lis

Date of publication: 2010

Coming Up for Air

Title: Coming Up for Air

Photographer/s: Stephen Gill

Date of publication: 2010

Hackney Flowers

Title: Hackney Flowers

Photographer/s: Stephen Gill

Date of publication: 2007


Title: Invisible

Photographer/s: Stephen Gill

Contributor/s: Text: Mark Haworth-Booth

Date of publication: 2005

Archaeology in Reverse

Title: Archaeology in Reverse

Photographer/s: Stephen Gill

Contributor/s: Text: Iain Sinclair

Date of publication: 2007

Anonymous Origami

Title: Anonymous Origami

Photographer/s: Stephen Gill

Date of publication: September 2007