Title: we between loss and hope
Photographer/s: Luca Piras
Date of publication: September 2009
Title: we between loss and hope
Photographer/s: Luca Piras
Date of publication: September 2009
Title: Box of Ice Boxes
Photographer/s: Cynthia Connolly
Contributor/s: none
Date of publication: January 2001
Title: The Last Days of W
Photographer/s: Alec Soth
Contributor/s: Lester B. Morrison
Date of publication: November, 2008
Title: Bedknobs and Broomsticks
Photographer/s: Trent Parke
Date of publication: June, 2010
Title: Lost Boy Mountain
Photographer/s: Lester B. Morrison
Date of publication: December 2009
Title: Carretera Central
Photographer/s: Pablo Hare
Contributor/s: Ralph Bauer
Date of publication: August 2008
Title: Bosque de Piedra
Photographer/s: Pablo Hare
Contributor/s: Ralph Bauer
Date of publication: April 2009
Title: Interior Relations
Photographer/s: Ian van Coller
Contributor/s: Amy Thompson: Book binding and letterpress
Date of publication: 2010