Title: Troy
Photographer/s: uncredited
Contributor/s: Peter Mann, Concept and editing
Date of publication: July 2015
Title: Troy
Photographer/s: uncredited
Contributor/s: Peter Mann, Concept and editing
Date of publication: July 2015
Photographer/s: Jenny Schäfer
Date of publication: 2015
Title: Palm City Magdeburg
Photographer/s: Jenny Schäfer
Date of publication: 2014
Title: Exemplarische Holzeinheiten
Photographer/s: Jenny Schäfer
Date of publication: 2015
Title: Atlantus
Photographer/s: Martin Toft
Contributor/s: Gareth Syvret, writer
Date of publication: 01.07.2015
Title: Hyper Observation
Photographer/s: Sarah Pannell, Nicholas Hawker
Date of publication: August 2014
Title: Smoke Signals #2, “The Seven Cities”
Photographer/s: Matt Eich
Contributor/s: Heather Hakimzadeh, Jenn Hair
Date of publication: December 2013