Title: Tierra Brava
Photographer/s: Paul Turounet
Date of publication: 2013
Title: Bajo La Luna Verde
Photographer/s: Paul Turounet
Date of publication: 2014
Title: Unexpected Photo Essay on Cortázar, his readers and Paris
Photographer/s: Hugo Passarello Luna
Date of publication: August 26th, 2014
Title: All Night Long V.2
Photographer/s: Nathan Pearce, Brandon Tauszik
Date of publication: August, 2014
Title: Papersafe Issue 03: The World and the Totality of Facts
Photographer/s: Alexi Hobbs, Tom Griggs, Pauline Magnenat, Joanne Ratajczak, Wouter Van de Voorde, James Bennett, Klara Källström & Thobias Fäldt, Alex Crétey Systermans
Contributor/s: Jessica Dean Camp, Cole Don Kelley
Date of publication: October 2014
Title: Suggested Experiences
Photographer/s: Melanie Flood
Date of publication: 5/2014
Title: The House
Photographer/s: Karin Borghouts
Contributor/s: Dirk Veulemans (text), Paul Adriaenssens (translation)
Date of publication: 2014
Title: Alone Together
Photographer/s: Martino Marangoni
Contributor/s: Luca di Salvo (pre-press)
Date of publication: 2014
Title: Touch
Photographer/s: Peter Dekens
Contributor/s: Ann-Marie Cordia (translation)
Date of publication: 2012
Title: Homo Empathicus
Photographer/s: BredaPhoto (57 photographers)
Contributor/s: Guido van Eyck (text), Inge Henneman (essay)
Date of publication: 2012