Title: Calabria Upon Return
Photographer/s: Alessandra Kila
Date of publication: 18.09.15
Title: Calabria Upon Return
Photographer/s: Alessandra Kila
Date of publication: 18.09.15
Title: You’re not from round here, are you?
Photographer/s: Dessrihana Utomo
Contributor/s: Shalom Chalson
Date of publication: 12/8/2015
Title: A to Z series, an alphabet book
Photographer/s: Jane Waggoner Deschner
Contributor/s: Frank Pease, Muralcraft Studios, LaPorte, Indiana
Date of publication: 2015
Title: Me|Us|Them
Photographer/s: Jane Waggoner Deschner
Contributor/s: anonymous snapshooters
Date of publication: 2015
Title: Every Day, I Think of You
Photographer/s: Jakki Daley
Date of publication: 04/20/2015
Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Emptiness: Tokyo Landscape
Photographer/s: William Ash
Contributor/s: Naomi Otsubo, Translator
Date of publication: May, 2015
Title: Magic City
Photographer/s: Daniel Milnor, Andrew Kaufman
Date of publication: May, 2015
Title: Fire + Iron
Photographer/s: Bill Burke
Contributor/s: Poems by Sue Wrbican
Date of publication: 2002