Title: Killing The Day/Volume 8/Apples
Photographer/s: Laura Noel
Date of publication: September 2014
Title: Killing The Day/Volume 8/Apples
Photographer/s: Laura Noel
Date of publication: September 2014
Title: Killing The Day/Volume 7/Rockwell
Photographer/s: Laura Noel
Date of publication: September 2014
Killing The Day/Volume 6/Beautiful Outsider
Photographer/s: Laura Noel
Date of publication: June 2014
Title: Killing The Day/Volume 5/Estuary
Photographer/s: Laura Noel
Date of publication: March 2014
Title: SPBH Pamphlets III & IV
Photographer/s: SPBH Pamphlet III (Jason Fulford) & SPBH Pamphlet IV (Anouk Kruithof)
Contributor/s: SPBH Pamphlet III (Chris Mills) & SPBH Pamphlet IV (Oliver Shamlou)
Date of publication: 2013
Title: One Thousand Moons
Photographer/s: Eddie Soloway
Contributor/s: Eddie Soloway
Date of publication: June 2004
Title: Takes pictures, calls it photography
Photographer/s: Steve Syd
Contributor/s: Steve Syd
Date of publication: 2/4/2014