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Indie Photobook Library » Books

Adventures in Lomography, Volume 1: New York

Title: Adventures in Lomography, Volume 1: New York

Photographer/s: Misha Ashton-Moore

Contributor/s: Proof Read by Scott Alexander Jones

Date of publication: October 2011

Skylines Unconventional and Unexpected

Title: Skylines Unconventional and Unexpected

Photographer/s: Mildred Alpern

Date of publication: December 4, 2012

romka magazine #7

Title: romka magazine #7

Photographer/s: Aaron MacDonald, Ai-Lun Huang, Alec Soth, Amber Fairweather, Andreea Preda, Anke Schüttler, Anthony Tortorici, Árpád Szigeti, Ash Bowland, Brian Weiland, Christopher Sharpe,
Christopher Snyder, Clara Bahlsen, Craig Johnson, David Paul Maharam, David Roth, Elisa Longhi, Esteban Pochintesta, Eugenio Villagra, Gábor Arion Kudász, Go Itami, Hadas Tapouchi, Irina Yulieva, Iris
Janke, Jan-Dirk v. d. Burg, Jeff Hamada, Jennifer Schäfer, Jordan Sullivan, Kaupo Rõivasepp, Ksenija Kucerova, Laurence Vecten, Laurent Ripoll, Leif Gunnar Boman, Mara Ploscaru, Maria Kazvan, Markus
Schaden, Michal Brezinsky, Miriam Neitzel, Nadia Sablin, Neven Allgeier, Nico Krebs, Nicolas Turlais, Nils Orth, Philippe Gerlach, Roberto Rubalcava, Roger Ballen, Ryan Becker, Sachi Nasatir, Sera Marshall,
Sonya Dyakova, Stefan Peters, Stéphanie Jesus, Taiyo Onorato, Trisha Thompson, Tyrone Williams, Veronica Nardulli, Wolfgang Filser, Zara Pfeifer

Contributor/s: Bruno Ceschel, Erik Kessels, Friedrich Tietjen, Jia Zhu, Joachim Schmid, Kate Okuneva, Marc Hinz, Michael Lämmler, Paula Prats, Peter Hübert

Date of publication: Dec 1 2012

Pay Here flipbook – pole dancing

Title: Pay Here flipbook – pole dancing

Photographer/s: Gözde Türkkan

Contributor/s: Mustafa Ercan Zırh

Date of publication: 2011

Pay Here flipbook – self-portrait

Title: Pay Here flipbook – self-portrait

Photographer/s: Gözde Türkkan

Contributor/s: Mustafa Ercan Zırh

Date of publication: 2010

Tabitha, Covergirl Playmate

Title: Tabitha, Covergirl Playmate

Photographer/s: Mildred Alpern

Date of publication: January 14, 2013

Naked Ambition

Title: Naked Ambition

Photographer/s: Michael Grecco

Contributor/s: Forewords by Larry Flynt and Dave Navarro

Edited by Lonn Friend and Rob Hill

Date of publication: 2007


Title: Zephyr

Photographer/s: Jeff Moerchen

Contributor/s: Tyrone Toral – Layout

Date of publication: Fall-2012

Mystic Blood

Title: Mystic Blood

Photographer/s: Alex Klaes

Contributor/s: Alexandra Elledge, Poetry

Date of publication: 2013

You. I.

Title: You. I.

Photographer/s: Chris Sellas

Date of publication: May 2011