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Indie Photobook Library » Books

Los Restos de la Revolución (Daylight)

Title: Los Restos de la Revolución

Photographer/s: Kevin Kunishi

Date of publication: Nov. 11th 2012

(based on a true story)

Title: (based on a true story)

Photographer/s: David Alan Harvey

Date of publication: June 2012


Title: BURN 02

Photographer/s: Michelle Frankfurter
Christopher Anderson
Irina Werning
Bruce Gilden
Giovanni Cocco
Eva Leitolf
Paolo Pellegrin
Alisa Resnik
Danny Wilcox Frazier
Michael Loyd Young
Karen Mirzoyan
Stefanie Mueller

Contributor/s: David Alan Harvey Editor’s Note

Date of publication: september 2011

Iraq | Perspectives

Title: Iraq | Perspectives

Photographer/s: Benjamin Lowy

Date of publication: Nov. 4, 2011

Ocean Beach

Title: Ocean Beach

Photographer/s: Douglas Ljungkvist

Date of publication: 05/04/2012


Title: easyJet

Photographer/s: Sophie Jung

Date of publication: June 2011

Overnight Generation

Title: Overnight Generation

Photographer/s: Italo Morales
Martina Velenik

Contributor/s: Federico Sicurella – Writer
Haris Selmanagic – Writer

Date of publication: N/A – Dummy Book

Be Good

Title: Be Good

Photographer/s: Maria Sturm

Contributor/s: Layout, graphic and book design by Sascha Fronczek and Sven Lindhorst-Emme

Essay by Prof. Victor Pambuccian
Text by Kati Werkmeister

Date of publication: July 2012

Paradise Now

Title: Paradise Now

Photographer/s: Ryan Koopmans

Date of publication: 2012

Problemata physica One

Title: Problemata physica One


Collin Avery
Jordan Baumgarten
Miklos Boros
Karianne Bueno
Ricardo Cases
André Cepeda
Andres Gonzalez
Gregory Halpern
Cosima Hanebeck
Ben Huff
Ani Kington
You Li
Eamon Mac Mahon
Nina Poppe
William Rugen
Andy Sewell
Maurice Van Es


Andy Adams

Date of publication: September 2012