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Indie Photobook Library

Watershed: The French Broad River

Title: Watershed: The French Broad River

Photographer/s: Jeff Rich

Contributor/s: Rod Slemmons, Introduction
Hartwell Carson, Essay

Date of publication: 1/2012

Indie Photobook Library at Flash Forward Festival Boston June 8-10, 2012

The Indie Photobook Library is pleased to be part of the Flash Forward Festival again. This time in Boston! June 8-10, 2012

Fairmont Battery Wharf
Two Battery Wharf – 2nd FLOOR
Boston, Massachusetts 02109

Friday 11-6, Sat 10-6, Sunday 10-noon

The Flash Forward Festival was part of a milestone in iPL history as they hosted the entire library for our first pop-up exhibition ever at their Toronto festival in October of 2010. We look forward to being part of it again!

The following titles from the Indie Photobook Library archive will be on display.

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Diario 1

Title: Diario 1

Photographer/s: Alessandra Tecla Gerevini

Date of publication: march 2012


Title: Wandering

Photographer/s: Nicholas Venaglia

Date of publication: 3/2011


Title: Pictures

Photographer/s: Nicholas Venaglia

Date of publication: 3/2012


Title: Shoreline

Photographer/s: Carlos Cancela Pinto and Fábio Silva

Date of publication: 2012

The Dancer as the Invisible Girl

Title: The Dancer as the Invisible Girl

Photographer/s: Ellen Feldman

Date of publication: September, 2011

To the Flag: A Parade and Memoir to the Chimes of Freedom

Title: To the Flag: A Parade and Memoir to the Chimes of Freedom

Photographer/s: Karen Davis

Contributor/s: lyrics to Chimes of Freedom by Bob Dylan (with permission)

Date of publication: 2011

I Am Because We Are: African Wisdom in Image and Proverb

Title: I Am Because We Are: African Wisdom in Image and Proverb

Photographer/s: Betty Press

Contributor/s: Annetta Miller, Joanne Veal Gabbin, Christiana Chinwe Okechukwu, and Alison Nordström

Date of publication: September 1, 2011

Escapade: Images and Impressions

Title: Escapade: Images and Impressions

Photographer/s: Mildred Alpern

Contributor/s: Robert Tallent

Date of publication: February 9, 2012