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Indie Photobook Library

L’eternel est Grand

Title: L’eternel est Grand

Photographer/s: Sean Stewart

Date of publication: 2011

Coney Island Malibu Beach

Title: Coney Island Malibu Beach

Photographer/s: Benjamin Acree
Jackson Eaton
Robert S. Johnson

Contributor/s: Matthew Hall

Date of publication: August 2011



Photographer/s: Sarah Soquel Morhaim

Contributor/s: text by Jennifer Krasinski

Date of publication: September 2011


Title: Recherche

Photographer/s: Birgit Krause

Date of publication: 2011 (2nd edition; 1st edition 2010)

The Red Planet

Title: The Red Planet

Photographer/s: Henrik Malmstrom

Date of publication: 2011

I Am Not A Photographer

Title: I Am Not A Photographer

Photographer/s: Jasmine

Date of publication: October 2011

Showa 88

Title: Showa 88

Photographer/s: Kazuyosi Usui

Date of publication: 9 Dec 2011


Title: Nekopathy

Photographer/s: Masayuki Nakaya

Date of publication: 10 Sep 2011

untitled 2010

Title: untitled 2010

Photographer/s: Mitko Mitkov

Date of publication: June, 2010

Ein Schnitt

Title: Ein Schnitt

Photographer/s: Simone Haug/Rebekka Seubert

Date of publication: November, 2011