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Indie Photobook Library

On The Plane

Title: On The Plane

Photographer/s: Phillip Kalantzis-Cope

Date of publication: 13.10.11

Urban Satori

Title: Urban Satori

Photographer/s: Nykoh

Date of publication: November, 2011

Eanna Freeney

Title: Eanna Freeney

Photographer/s: Eanna Freeney

Date of publication: 08.04.11


Title: Brooklyn

Photographer/s: Luke Swenson

Date of publication: June, 2011


Title: Nebula

Photographer/s: Andres Medina

Date of publication: May, 2011


Title: attenuate

Photographer/s: Ian J. Whitmore

Date of publication: June 2011


Title: jejune

Photographer/s: Ian J. Whitmore

Date of publication: May 2011

16 bilder – Rebekka Seubert

Title: 16 bilder

Photographer/s: Rebekka Seubert

Date of publication: Oktober, 2011

The Liminal Points Project


Title: The Liminal Points Project

Photographer/s: Nick Rochowski

Contributor/s: Illustrator Greg Haynes
Music Producer Deepsea

Date of publication: November 3rd 2011

UN, Montréal-Paris

Title: UN, Montréal-Paris

Photographer/s: Pascal Amoyel
Thomas Bouquin

Date of publication: 2011 July