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Indie Photobook Library

Undisclosed: Images of the Contemporary Circus Artist

Title: Undisclosed: Images of the Contemporary Circus Artist

Photographer/s: Bertil Nilsson

Contributor/s: Laura Noble, essay
Daniele Finzi Pasca, foreword

Date of publication: Sept 1st 2011

Manual: The Personalities of Hands

Title: Manual: The Personalities of Hands

Photographer/s: Bill Westheimer

Contributor/s: foreword by The Amazing Kreskin

Date of publication: October 2010

Momento: Capturing moments and memories

Title: Momento: Capturing moments and memories

Photographer/s: Bill Westheimer

Date of publication: 2009

Oddyssey: The Billiad

Title: Oddyssey: The Billiad

Photographer/s: Bill Westheimer

Date of publication: 2009

Visions In The Dark – Camera Obscura

Title: Visions In The Dark – Camera Obscura

Photographer/s: Charles Schwartz
Bill Westheimer

Contributor/s: essay by Gail Buckland
afterword by Jennie Hirschfeld
digital image prep by Meghann Lyding

Date of publication: 2005

Images from the 50’s

Title: Images from the 50’s

Photographer/s: Martin Karplus

Contributor/s: Paul Sims for design of book

Date of publication: May, 2011

Hose Variations

Title: Hose Variations

Photographer/s: Bjarne Bare

Date of publication: May 2011


Title: Heterotopia

Photographer/s: Jess Gough

Date of publication: 21st April, 2011

Quiet Places

Title: Quiet Places

Photographer/s: Jeff Burk

Date of publication: July 29, 2010



Photographer/s: Anton Kusters

Contributor/s: Malik Kusters

Date of publication: june 17, 2011