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Indie Photobook Library

Under House Arrest

Title: Under House Arrest

Photographer/s: Sebastien Girard

Date of publication: June 2011

Desperate cars

Title: Desperate cars

Photographer/s: Sebastien Girard

Date of publication: November 2010

Nothing but home

Title: Nothing but home

Photographer/s: Sebastien Girard

Date of publication: November 2009


Title: Conditions

Photographer/s: Andrés Marroquín Winkelmann

Contributor/s: Edit: Adam Bartos
Text: Jörg Colberg

Date of publication: 2010

Tarzan Lopez

Title: Tarzan Lopez

Photographer/s: Igal Permuth
Jaime Permuth
Mario Permuth

Contributor/s: Javier Payeras
Rosa Chávez

(Introductory Essays)

Date of publication: 2007

The Sundays of Life

Title: The Sundays of Life

Photographer/s: Bela Doka

Contributor/s: Evan Mirapaul (Forewords)

Date of publication: 2010

Re-trato de familia (“Family Portrait”)

Title: Re-trato de familia (“Family Portrait”)

Photographer/s: Igal Permuth
Jaime Permuth
Mario Permuth

Contributor/s: Javier Payeras
Luz Mendez de la Vega

(introductory essays)

Annie Listwa

(3 self-portraits by our paternal grandmother)

Date of publication: 2004


Title: HERE

Photographer/s: John Gossage

Contributor/s: Kris Douglas

Date of publication: January 28, 2010

Hans Kemna: Catalogue

Title: Hans Kemna: Catalogue

Photographer/s: WassinkLundgren

Contributor/s: Xander Karskens

Date of publication: 2008

Don’t Smile Now… Save it for Later!

Title: Don’t Smile Now… Save it for Later!

Photographer/s: Thijs groot Wassink / WassinkLundgren

Date of publication: December 2008