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Indie Photobook Library


Title: EXTRAordinary

Photographer/s: (Mr.) Kim Guthrie

Contributor/s: Annette Hughes – writer

Date of publication: 2008


Title: internecine

Photographer/s: Ian J. Whitmore

Date of publication: May 2011


Title: prolix

Photographer/s: Ian J. Whitmore

Date of publication: April 2011


Title: otiose

Photographer/s: Ian J. Whitmore

Date of publication: March 2011


Title: cacophony

Photographer/s: Ian J. Whitmore

Date of publication: February 2011

FOTO.ZINE NR.4 -series

Title: FOTO.ZINE NR.4 -series

Photographer/s: Linus Bill
Takashi Homma
Erik Kessels
Paul Kooiker
Eric Tabuchi
Erik van der Weijde

Date of publication: june 1st 2011

In A State

Title: In A State

Photographer/s: Adam Murray

Date of publication: May 2011

Industria, Virtus, et Fortitudo

Title: Industria, Virtus, et Fortitudo

Photographer/s: Adam Murray
Robert Parkinson
Jamie Hawkesworth

Date of publication: March 2011


Title: Derby

Photographer/s: Adam Murray
Robert Parkinson
Jamie Hawkesworth

Date of publication: March 2011

Preston Bus Station

Title: Preston Bus Station

Photographer/s: Adam Murray
Robert Parkinson
Jamie Hawkesworth

Contributor/s: Aidan Turner-Bishop

Date of publication: October 2010