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Indie Photobook Library

I Thought you knew where all of the elephants lie down

Title: I Thought you knew where all of the elephants lie down

Photographer/s: André Príncipe

Date of publication: 2010

Master and Everyone

Title: Master and Everyone

Photographer/s: André Príncipe

Date of publication: 2010

Club 13

Title: Club 13

Photographer/s: Nils Petter Löfstedt

Date of publication: January, 2010

Vol. I

Title: Vol. I

Photographer/s: Pauliana Valente Pimentel

Date of publication: November, 2009



Photographer/s: Philippe Lopparelli

Contributor/s: Marie-Pierre Losfeld

Date of publication: 10 Feb 2011

Less Is More

Title: Less Is More

Photographer/s: Robert Rutoed

Contributor/s: Introduction by Christine Dobretsberger

Date of publication: January 28, 2011


Title: Soundproof

Photographer/s: Euan Forrester

Date of publication: July 1, 2010



Photographer/s: Roger Minick

Date of publication: February 2011

Eleven Minus One

Title: Eleven Minus One

Photographer/s: Amir Zaki

Date of publication: 2011

The Nature of Art

Title: The Nature of Art

Photographer/s: Jerry Katell

Date of publication: February, 2011