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Indie Photobook Library

Orchard, Volume One / Crime Victims Chronicle

Title: Orchard, Volume One / Crime Victims Chronicle

Photographer/s: Raymond Meeks
Deborah Luster

Contributor/s: text by Rose Preston and Kevin Sullivan

cover design and binding by Rory Sparks

Date of publication: November 2010

Passport to Trespass Vol. VI: I can’t remember where I’ve been

Title: Passport to Trespass Vol. VI: I can’t remember where I’ve been

Photographer/s: Mikael Kennedy

Date of publication: November 2010


Title: RUGBY

Photographer/s: Daniel D’Ottavio

Contributor/s: Brian Bartels
Kevin Messina

Date of publication: February 2010

Hamra Hajurama (Our Grandmothers)

Title: Hamra Hajurama (Our Grandmothers)

Photographer/s: Dhruba Ale
Sushan Prajapati
Gaurav Dhwaj Khadka
NayanTara Gurung Kakshapati
Sudhir Bhandari
Rocky Prajapati
Sushan Prajapati
Prateek Rajbhandari

Contributor/s: Utsav Shakya
Ajit Baral
Abha Eli Phoboo
Prwin Adhikari
Rabi Thapa
Diwas Kc

Date of publication: December 2009

Fading Light

Title: Fading Light

Photographer/s: Clay Lipsky

Date of publication: November 09, 2010



Photographer/s: Laurent CHARDON

Contributor/s: text by Isabelle TESSIER

Date of publication: 15/11/10

From here into oblivion, Vol. 1

Title: From here into oblivion, Vol. 1

Photographer/s: Stefan Vanthuyne

Date of publication: November, 2010


Title: Portfolio

Photographer/s: WassinkLundgren

Contributor/s: Martin Parr

Date of publication: May 2010

On This Earth, A Shadow Falls

Title: On This Earth, A Shadow Falls

Photographer/s: Nick Brandt

Contributor/s: Jane Goodall
Alice Sebold
Peter Singer
Vicki Goldberg

Date of publication: September 2010



Photographer/s: STEFAN BLADH

Contributor/s: ANDERS PETERSEN

Date of publication: APRIL 2010