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Indie Photobook Library

After Ascension and Descent

Title: After Ascension and Descent

Photographer/s: Charles Grogg

Contributor/s: Crista Ward Dix
Catherine Couturier

Date of publication: September 2010

38 very small observations

Title: 38 very small observations

Photographer/s: Kevin J. Miyazaki

Date of publication: March 2008


Title: Acdcnyc

Photographer/s: Nemanja Knežević

Contributor/s: Design and layout – Stefan Unković / Translation and lectoring – Milena Nikolić

Date of publication: April 2010

Vedove / Widows

Title: Vedove / Widows

Photographer/s: Takashi Homma

Contributor/s: Francesco Zanot (text)

Date of publication: January 2010



Photographer/s: GUIDO GUIDI

Contributor/s: Francesco Zanot (text)

Date of publication: April 2010


Title: Suginami

Photographer/s: James Luckett

Date of publication: 2009

Waterfall: Everyone Has Their Own Rooms

Title: Waterfall: Everyone Has Their Own Rooms

Photographer/s: (In order of appearance)

Jennilee Marigomen
Joscha Bruckert
Andrew Kenney
Virginia del Río
Lukasz Wierzbowski
Peter Puklus
Kirill Savateev
Hasisi Park
Paula Muhr
Sasaki Kanako
Daniel Gebhart de Koekkoek
Maryanne Casasanta
Jess Gough
Marlon Kowalski
Amy Stein
Sarah Hermans
Kaj Lehmann
Carolin Walch

Contributor/s: Son Ni, Shih-Shung Hwang, Yan-Wei Cheng, Yu-en Hsieh, Yine Chang, Albert Allgaier, Hadas Tapouchi, Shu-Shai Yan, Chun-Han Chen, Mengxi Zhang

Date of publication: 15.3.2010

Video: Lost in Learning by Eva Koleva Timothy

Lost in Learning: The Art of Discovery

Title: Lost in Learning: The Art of Discovery

Photographer/s: Eva Koleva Timothy

Contributor/s: Ralph Windle (Foreword)
Adam Timothy (Essay)

Date of publication: 09/01/2010

Before Things Change

Title: Before Things Change

Photographer/s: Seth Fluker

Contributor/s: Britt Rawlinson

Date of publication: January 2010