Title: Plane Horizon
Photographer/s: Charles Roderick
Date of publication: Summer 2014
Title: Plane Horizon
Photographer/s: Charles Roderick
Date of publication: Summer 2014
Title: Selected Works 2012-2014
Photographer/s: Samantha Sutcliffe
Date of publication: July 2014
Title: Beautiful Pig
Photographer/s: Ben Schonberger
Contributor/s: Marty Gaynor
Date of publication: 09/01/2014
Title: Creatures of Habit
Photographer/s: Britannie Bond, Elicia Epstein, Cait Kovac, Zak Long, Nate Matos, Sam Slater, Harry Snowden, Jeff Wagar
Date of publication: 2014
Title: Young Soul Rebels
Photographer/s: Dennis Schoenberg
Contributor/s: Dennis Schoenberg
Date of publication: September 2014
Title: Suzy
Photographer/s: Dennis Schoenberg
Contributor/s: Dennis Schoenberg
Date of publication: February 2014
Title: Primer – Elementarz
Photographer/s: Karolina Karlic
Contributor/s: Afterword by Sally Stein and Allan Sekula
Date of publication: August 2014
Title: De: Stockholm
Photographer/s: Brendan Austin, Thobias Fäldt, Marcus Harrling, Linda Hofvander, Inka and Niclas, Klara Källström, Björn Larsson, Hanna Ljungh, Märta Thisner, Lars Tunbjörk, Erik Undehn
Contributor/s: Brendan Austin, Thobias Fäldt, Marcus Harrling, Linda Hofvander, Inka and Niclas, Klara Källström, Björn Larsson, Hanna Ljungh, Märta Thisner, Lars Tunbjörk, Erik Undehn, Christopher West
Date of publication: 22.05.2014
Title: Woodland
Photographer/s: Andrea Papi
Contributor/s: Chiara Bertini, Monkeyphoto
Date of publication: spring 2014
Title: Parque Nacional #03
Photographer/s: Helena Rovira
Contributor/s: Lindero Libros
Date of publication: september 2014