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Indie Photobook Library

Alles OK

Title: Alles OK

Photographer/s: Calin Kruse

Contributor/s: Text by Olivier Pin-Fat

Date of publication: November 2012

No Thoughts 9

Title: No Thoughts 9

Photographer/s: Andy Jones
Ashley Anthony
Augie Ruiz
Brad Elterman
Brandon Aighty
Dania Shihab
David Richardson
Diego Diez
Elizabeth Weinberg
Esther Voisin
Evan Klanfer
Evan Tetreault
Gavin Thomas
Hana Pesut
Isolde Woudstra
J Caldwell
Jesse Untracht-Oakner
Jimmy Fontaine
John Cates
Katja Kremenic
Kubiat Nnamdie
Lasse Dearman
Matt Sanchez
Michael Ast
Michael Barolet
Michael J DeMeo
Nuno Moreira
Olivia Locher
Steven Alan
Todd Fisher
Tommy Sussex
Ulrike Biets

Date of publication: Dec 2012


Title: Noray

Photographer/s: Juan Valbuena

Date of publication: 2012

Art is godd

Title: Art is godd

Photographer/s: mark page

Date of publication: 2012

Easter Trouble Press Cafe

Title: Easter Trouble Press Cafe

Photographer/s: Christian Patterson, Mariken Wessels, Calin Kruse, Fette Sans, Rafal Milach and Ania Nalecka

Contributor/s: Edited by Tom Christie, interviews conducted by Jim Reed

Date of publication: November 15th, 2012

Working Memory

Title: Working Memory

Photographer/s: Jim Reed

Date of publication: November 15th, 2012

Walking in LA

Title: Walking in LA

Photographer/s: Google street view images manipulated and sequenced by Jim Reed

Date of publication: December 16th, 2012

Journal “2000 – 2012”

Title: Journal “2000 – 2012”

Photographer/s: Julien Magre

Date of publication: October 2012

Remember the White Horses

Title: Remember the White Horses

Photographer/s: Stefan Vanthuyne

Contributor/s: Gelatin silver prints for the scans by Jean-Pierre Bauduin.

Date of publication: November, 2012

Sunday Mornings at the River #1

Title: Sunday Mornings at the River #1

Photographer/s: Santa Katkuté, Rebecca Rijsdijk, Sanne Poppeliers, Cody Cobb, Noortje Knulst, Lonneke van der Palen, Sam van Grinsven, Taufiq Hosen, Victoria Schilperoort, Nicholas Hance McElroy, Roberto Rubalcava, Jeff Luker, Stine Sampers, Katherine Squier, David Meskhi.

Date of publication: November 2012