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Indie Photobook Library

Montreal-Paris / Quatre

Title: Montreal-Paris / Quatre

Photographer/s: Pascal Amoyel
Thomas Bouquin

Date of publication: November 2012

Luxe 1972 – 1987

Title: Luxe 1972 – 1987

Photographer/s: Arianne Olthaar

Date of publication: 2012


Title: Naked

Photographer/s: Rimaldas Viksraitis

Date of publication: December 2012

People / Places

Title: People / Places

Photographer/s: Clint Woodside

Date of publication: December 2012

No Direction Left To Turn

Title: No Direction Left To Turn

Photographer/s: Di Emerson
Paul Garcia

Date of publication: November 2012


Title: UnVeiled

Photographer/s: Tom Suhler

Date of publication: November 10, 2012

influenza #1

Title: influenza #1

Photographer/s: elisa freitas
andrei dignart
paul stang (from Commons/Flickr)

Date of publication: august, 2012

Slow & Low

Title: Slow & Low

Photographer/s: Landon Nordeman

Contributor/s: John T. Edge

Date of publication: October, 2012.

A Part

Title: A Part

Photographer/s: Zachary Allen & Stepanka Peterka

Date of publication: June 2012



Photographer/s: Zisis Kardianos

Date of publication: June 2012