Title: In het Voorbijgaan/ Passing By
Photographer/s: Flip Franssen
Date of publication: 15-11-2012
Title: In het Voorbijgaan/ Passing By
Photographer/s: Flip Franssen
Date of publication: 15-11-2012
Title: With Bare Hands
Photographer/s: Curtis Hamilton
Date of publication: Winter 2012
Title: Summer Of Shred
Photographer/s: Jamie M. Moore
Contributor/s: “Posi” Joe Piehler
Date of publication: October 2012
Title: Deconstructing The Maze
Photographer/s: Dara McGrath
Contributor/s: Conor McFeely-Multi-Media Artist
Rachel Andrews-Writer
John Reid-Architect
Marianne O’Kane Boal-Curator
Date of publication: 2008
Title: Mystery Spot 2: Nature’s Nation
Contributor/s: Chad Rutter, Lex Thompson, Paula McCartney, Kate Casanova, Pamela Valfer, Caleb Coppock, Emily Roehl
Date of publication: 2012
Title: Scenes From the Great American Non-Site
Photographer/s: Chad Rutter
Date of publication: 2011
Title: Recollection
Photographer/s: Matthew Walker (M. Walker)
Date of publication: 2011