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Indie Photobook Library » Photographers » Christopher Schreck

I Want You Magazine – Issue 3

Title: I Want You Magazine – Issue 3

Photographer/s: christian petersen
alan jaras
sterling crispin
christopher schreck
kathryn ferguson
michael christopher brown
hannu huhtamo
giovanni cellini

Contributor/s: adrian garcia
oivin horvei
nicolas sassoon
paul boulet
tabor robak
ryan lauderdale
robert hardgrave
robert beatty
brandon drake
toshiba fan
brian standeford

Date of publication: January 2010

I Want You Magazine – Issue 2

Title: I Want You Magazine – Issue 2

Photographer/s: christian petersen
les krims
will bankhead
hemliga skolan
irek kielczyk
christopher schreck

Contributor/s: nicolas malinowsky
poster company
pascal tessier
christina christoforou
nichole van beek
hemliga skolan
dan mcpharlin
erik berndt
anne gordon
laura brothers

Date of publication: July 2009