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Indie Photobook Library » Anne Collier

Fifteen People Present Their Favorite Book [After Kosuth]

Title: Fifteen People Present Their Favorite Book [After Kosuth]

Photographer/s: Matthew Higgs

Contributor/s: Jeremy Sanders, Wade Guyton, Adam McEwen, Elizabeth Peyton, Richard Prince, Rob Pruitt, Kelley Walker, Gavin Brown, Clarissa Dalrymple, Jonathan Horowitz, Pati Hertling, Nick Mauss, Ken Okiishi, T.J. Wilcox, Anne Collier, Joseph Logan

Date of publication: May 2009

Woman With A Camera (35mm)

Title: Woman With A Camera (35mm)

Photographer/s: Anne Collier

Contributor/s: Essay by Tom McDonough

Date of publication: November 2009

Lay Flat 02: Meta

Title: Lay Flat 02: Meta

Photographer/s: Claudia Angelmaier, Semâ Bekirovic, Charles Benton, Walead Beshty, Lucas Blalock, Talia Chetrit, Anne Collier, Natalie Czech, Jessica Eaton, Roe Ethridge, Sam Falls, Stephen Gill, Daniel Gordon, David Haxton, Matt Keegan, Elad Lassry, Katja Mater, Laurel Nakadate, Lisa Oppenheim, Torbjørn Rødland, Noel Rodo-Vankeulen, Joachim Schmid, Penelope Umbrico, Useful Photography, Charlie White, Ann Woo, and Mark Wyse

Contributor/s: Adam Bell, Lesley A. Martin, Alex Klein, Noel Rodo-Vankeulen, Arthur Ou, Lyle Rexer, and James Welling

Date of publication: February 2010