Aint-Bad Magazine Vol. 3 No. 1 “From Here On”

AintBad 3

Title: Aint-Bad Magazine Vol. 3 No. 1 “From Here On”

Photographer/s: 180 artists (Aaron Canipe, Antone Dolezal, Ben Schonberger, Brett Kallusky, Chris Bennett, Jay Seawell, Jeff Rich, John Steck Jr, Lara Shipley, Paccarik Orue, Pascal Amoyel, Rebecca Nolan, Sara Macel, Sarah Pannell, Tammy Mercure, Thomas Bouquin)

Contributor/s: Randall Edwards, Frank Young, Richard Barnes, Lisa Young

Date of publication: March 2015

Aint-Bad Magazine No. 7: Beyond Here

Aint-Bad Magazine No. 7

Title: Aint-Bad Magazine No. 7: Beyond Here

Photographer/s: Daniel Kukla, Travis Hocutt, Magali Duzant, Caleb Charland, Robin Myers, Jay Gould, Curiosity

Contributor/s: Robyn Day, Clara Ma

Date of publication: January 2014

Aint-Bad Magazine Issue Three : Hyperlinked

Title: Aint-Bad Magazine Issue Three : Hyperlinked

Photographer/s: Benjamin Lowy, Damien Rudd, Jack Addis, Jenny Odell, Kieron Cropper, Manuel Birnbacker, Michael Younker, Mike Patterson, Rick Silva, Stephan Tillmans and Thomas Albdorf

Contributor/s: Dr. Lisa Jaye Young
Martin Parr
Joseph Nechvatal

Date of publication: February 2012