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Indie Photobook Library » Conveyor Arts

When We Are Together

When We Are Together © Alex Thebez

Title: When We Are Together

Photographer/s: Alex Thebez

Date of publication: April 2013

Selections from the Joint Photographic Survey

Title: Selections from the Joint Photographic Survey

Photographer/s: Adam Ryder

Date of publication: 2/18/13

The Wrong Roadtrip

Title: The Wrong Roadtrip

Photographer/s: Andrea Stern

Date of publication: September 2012

Adieu Mademoiselle

Title: Adieu Mademoiselle

Photographer/s: Maria Sprowls Cervantes

Date of publication: August, 2012


Title: KANOA

Photographer/s: Maggie Harrsen

Date of publication: September 2012

The Indie Photobook Library at Conveyor Arts

Pop-up library space from the Indie Photobook Library collection at Conveyor Arts!

Come visit this weekend during the Conveyor Open House
888 Newark Avenue. Studio 491
Jersey City, New Jersey 07306 (Map)
Sunday, December 2nd, 2012
1:00 – 5:00 PM

More than 300 photobooks from the Indie Photobook Library will be part of the pop-up library space at Conveyor throughout the month of December.

Conveyor Arts recently set up shop at Mana Contemporary, a Tobacco Factory turned artist community, in Jersey City. Their studio space includes a traditional print shop with letterpress and small book binding equipment. They also house an inkjet studio, where they make exhibition prints for artists, and a digital work station for prepping books and photographs for production and exhibition.

Conveyor specializes in small print runs of artists’ books, zines and other printed matter related to photography. They collaborate closely with artists on all aspects of the book-making process, from concept and design, to the physical object. Their mission is to help artists and small publishers tailor their book project to fit the concept within it.

For more info about Conveyor visit their website.


There will be FREE SHUTTLE buses running every half hour from Milk Studios at 450 West 15th Street [ on the corner of 10th Avenue in Manhattan ] to Mana Contemporary in Jersey City from 12:00pm to 3:30pm. Shuttles will return every half hour to Milk Studios from Mana Contemporary starting at 2:00pm through 5:30pm. Otherwise, you can take the PATH Train from Manhattan to Journal Square.

Conveyor Magazine

Title: Conveyor Magazine

Photographer/s: Ying Ang; Sophie Barbasch; Laura Bell; Elizabeth Bick; Stephen Cardinale; Lisa Congdon; Nicholas Alan Cope; Colleen Fitzgerald; Andrew Frasz; Jaques Gerrardo; Aaron Gustafson; Sylvia Hardy; David Horvitz; Leif Huron Lafferty-Gebauer; Yo Imae; Hanna Jayanti; Marcie Revens; Saul; Robbins; Liz Sales; Christine Shank; Hrvoje Slovenc; Claudia Sohrens; Jose Soto; Motohiro Takeda; Priska Wenger; Alison Chen; C. Owen Lavoie

Contributor/s: Christina Labey; Andrea Geyer; Simone Douglas; Charlotte; Nekola; Arthur; Ou; Pac Pobric; Carissa Potter; Penelope Umbrico; Wafaa Bilal; Luca Antonucci; Daniel Small; D. Eric Bookhardt; George Pitts; Dominica Paige; Lorne Blythe

Date of publication: Spring 2011

Archive 2005 – 2010

Title: Archive 2005 – 2010

Photographer/s: Eric Bessel

Contributor/s: Essays by: Kenneth White & Laura Applebaum

Date of publication: Spring 2011

First Light

Title: First Light

Photographer/s: Luca Antonucci
Daniel Small

Date of publication: Spring 2011