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Indie Photobook Library » Drew Nikonowicz

Half Year vol. 2

Half Year July December

Title: Half Year vol. 2

Photographer/s: Deedra Baker, Rachel Jump, Jen Ervin, William Douglas, Will Harris, Coralie Fournier-Moris, Andrew Janjigian, Andrew Frost, Aleksei Kazantsev, Gabriella Sturchio, Jesse Taylor Koechling, Charlotte Thoemmes, Trevor Powers, Celeste Ortiz, Brian Henry, Selina Roman, dent de lion, Misty Woodford, Grant Gill, Scott Norris, Julia Dunham, Viviana Levrino, Samantha Ylva Beasley, Deb Schwedhelm, Charalampos Kydonakis, Drew Nikonowicz, Jillian Freyer, Jordanna Kalman, Rebecca Drolen, Ekaterina Musatkina

Date of publication: 2015