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Indie Photobook Library » Hin Chua

Some Ways to Disappear: Volume I, Issue I, Summer 2010

Title: Some Ways to Disappear: Volume I, Issue I, Summer 2010

Photographer/s: Anthony Blasko (Featured Photographer), Hin Chua, Alistair Dickinson, Peter Eavis, James Hendrick, Kirill Kuletski, Carles Rodrigo, Nastya Tailakova.

Contributor/s: Kevin Finley, Ethan Joella, Michael Lee Johnson, Helena Kvarnström (Featured Writer), Sayre M. Quevedo, Mary Sheffield.

Date of publication: June 2010

photodebut – A Case Study

Title: photodebut – A Case Study

Photographer/s: Aaron Schuman
Afshin Dehkordi
Ali Mobasser
Alys Tomlinson
Andre Principe
Ariane Severin
Ben Roberts
Esther Teichmann
Gael Roussel
Hin Chua
Jan Ebeling
Jan von Holleben
Karoline Hjorth
Lisa Barber
Matt Burgess
Maxine Beuret
Michelle Sank
Nilu Izadi
Parisa Taghizadeh
Patricia Niven
Ralf Obergfell
Richard Mosse
Rob Batchelor
Scotia Luhrs
Sue Meures
Stephen Ledger-Lomas
Thomas Brown
Valentine Schmidt
Vanessa Wenwieser

Contributor/s: Fiona Hayes
Mark Sinclair
Helen James

Date of publication: 2009