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Indie Photobook Library » Jarkko Räsänen

Album #2 — Same/Same

Album #2 — Same/Same © Claudia Angelmaier, Fleur van Dodewaard, Simone Haug, Sascha Herrmann, Nadine Kolodziey, John MacLean, Falk Messerschmidt, Jarkko Räsänen, Sertan Satan, Björn Siebert, Corinne Vionnet – Interviews with Joachim Schmid and Barbara Probst

Title: Album #2 — Same/Same

Photographer/s: Claudia Angelmaier, Fleur van Dodewaard, Simone Haug, Sascha Herrmann, Nadine Kolodziey, John MacLean, Falk Messerschmidt, Jarkko Räsänen, Sertan Satan, Björn Siebert, Corinne Vionnet – Interviews with Joachim Schmid and Barbara Probst

Contributor/s: Inga Betten, Jule Hillgärtner, Leif Randt, Marc Ries, Kerstin Skrobanek, Friedrich Tietjen

Date of publication: 2012