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Indie Photobook Library » Metro Collective

The Indie Photobook Library at OPEN SHOW DC

Kicking off the OPEN SHOW, Washington, DC, the Indie Photobook Library is thrilled to present a small curated table of photobooks from the collection from 6-7pm.

Our America

SHOW: Thursday, April 18, 2013 TIME: 6-9pm
VENUE: Busboys and Poets (5th and K), 1025 5th St. NW, Washington, DC 20001

See award winning photographers and filmmakers present their work on relevant social issues in the United States and hear their insights from the experience of covering these topics.

Topics will include DC public schools, small town development, the federal prison system and reintegration, social stratification and division in the south, and recognition of military benefits for LGBT partners.

Presenters & Projects
Amanda Lucidon
Matt Eich
Jahi Chikwendiu
Gabriela Bulisova
Robb Hill
Joshua Yospyn

6-7pm Social mixer with relevant photo books curated by the Indie Photobook Library
7-9pm Photographer and Videographer presentations

More information and directions can be found at .

In partnership with FotoDC, OPEN SHOW, Reporters without Borders, and Metro Collective. Special thanks to Zach Krahmer.


Mira Mexico, Louie Palu
The Distance Between Us, Christopher Capozziello
Thinspiration, Laia Abril
Mark West & Molly Rose, Jeff Barnett-Winsby (J&L Books)
574 Views of Johnstown, Ed Panar
Every breath we drew, Jess T. Dugan
Carry Me Ohio, Matt Eich
God, Guns & Guns, Ben Philippi
Grown Up West, Rebecca Emily Drobis
26º 81º, Joshua Dudley Greer
Cruel and Unusual / PPOTR
Gowanus, Curtis Hamilton
Gazed Upon, Jen Davis, Stacey Tyrell, Cara Phillips (Ampersand)
From Roof to Table, Rob Stephenson
He Opened Up Somewhere Along the Eastern Shore, Jason Hanasik
Watershed, Jeff Rich
Transitions-Rochester (VSW)
Butte: America, Ian van Coller
Girl Ascending, Melissa Ann Pinney (CCC)