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Indie Photobook Library » newsprint


Title: FINDS

Photographer/s: Harry Watts

Contributor/s: Benedict Burbridge

Date of publication: 2010

The Election Project

Title: The Election Project

Photographer/s: Simon Roberts

Contributor/s: Greg Hobson
Sean O’Hagan
Peter Wilby

Date of publication: 15th September 2010

Svart Metall

Title: Svart Metall

Photographer/s: Grant Willing

Contributor/s: Noel Sinclair Boyt

Date of publication: May 2009

Down These Mean Streets

Title: Down These Mean Streets

Photographer/s: Will Steacy

Date of publication: June 2010


Title: Kitintale

Photographer/s: Yann Gross

Date of publication: 2010

The Last Days of W

Title: The Last Days of W

Photographer/s: Alec Soth

Contributor/s: Lester B. Morrison

Date of publication: November, 2008