Title: Svart Metall
Photographer/s: Grant Willing
Contributor/s: Noel Sinclair Boyt
Date of publication: May 2009
Title: Ertussenuit met Sjoerd Knibbeler
Photographer/s: Sjoerd Knibbeler
Contributor/s: Herman Koch : Text
Date of publication: June 2009
Title: Down These Mean Streets
Photographer/s: Will Steacy
Date of publication: June 2010
Contributor/s: Glenn O’Brien, Angus Cook (texts)
Date of publication: November 2009
Title: Monochromia Botanica
Photographer/s: Benny Asrul
Date of publication: 6 August 2010
Title: The Globe
Photographer/s: Chester Alamo & Costello
Contributor/s: with essays by Jamie Michael Bradley, Sandra Kaminska Costello, Aaron Patrick Flanagan. Jamie Hale, and an afterword by Stuart Johnston
Date of publication: May 15, 2010
Title: Grandpa Danny
Photographer/s: Chester Alamo & Costello
Contributor/s: with an afterword by Robert Kotchen
Date of publication: December 3, 2008