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Indie Photobook Library » Panos Kokkinias

The Eye is a Lonely Hunter: Images of Humankind

Title: The Eye is a Lonely Hunter: Images of Humankind

Photographer/s: Bani Abidi, Mac Adams, Ravi Agarwal, Said Atabekov, Sven Augustijnen, Roger Ballen, Olaf Otto Becker, Plamen Bontchev & Sofia Burchardi, Marie José Burki, Edward Burtynsky, Peggy Buth, Mariana Castillo Deball, Philippe Chancel, Chen Chieh-Jen, Gohar Dashti, Fouad Elkoury, Köken Ergun, Hasan & Husain Essop, Simon Fujiwara, Peter Funch, Agnès Geoffray, Alexandros Georgiou, Francesco Giusti, Geert Goiris, Igor Grubic, Cao Guimarães, Jacob Holdt, Pieter Hugo, Nicu Ilfoveanu, Rinko Kawauchi, Panos Kokkinias, Aglaia Konrad, Heta Kuchka, Florian Maier-Aichen, Ryan McGinley, Vincent Meessen, Barbara Metselaar Berthold, Boris Mikhailov, Gulnara Kasmalieva & Muratbek Djumaliev, Boniface Mwangi, Kirstine Roepstorff, Torbjørn Rødland, Bruno Serralongue, Jeremy Shaw, Taryn Simon, Johan Spanner, Beat Streuli, Fiona Tan, Guy Tillim, Clemens von Wedemeyer, Tris Vonna-Michell, Paolo Woods, Yang Yongliang, Tobias Zielony

Date of publication: 2011