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Indie Photobook Library » PHOTO/arts Magazine

My Own Wilderness

Title: My Own Wilderness

Photographer/s: Agan Harahap, Alena Agadzhikova, Alena Lobanova,Andi Schreiber, Anne Holiday, Aubrey Hays, Babak Makoei, Bernard Mindich, Callum Ross, Chris Bentley, Chris Norris, Daniel George, Dead Porcupine, Denis Tarasov, Dmitry Popov, Eamon Mac Mahon, Ekaterina Deriglazova, Ekaterina Kozlova, Ellen Jantzen, Gwyn Michael, Herve Demers, Honey Salvadori, Ilya Octyabr, Irina Artemova, Irina Popova, Irina Suvorova, Irina Volgareva, Jamie House, Jon Goering, Katerina Bodrunova, Ksenia Yurkova, Laura Glabman, Liese Ricketts, M. Scott Brauer, Mark William Fernandes, Martin Buday, Patricia van de Camp, Rachel Barrett, Rachel Wolfe, Rita Nannini, Robert Rutoed, Valeriya Reshetnicova, Willson Cummer

Date of publication: 2012