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Indie Photobook Library » PPAC

Indie Photobook Library at PPAC Book Fair 2012

The Indie Photobook Library has been invited to participate again in the PPAC Annual Book Fair!

Come browse a selection of photobooks from the Indie Photobook Library archive and donate your book!
Philadelphia Photo Arts Center
1400 N. American St.
Philadelphia, PA 19122

Saturday May 5, 2012
Free and open to the public

A number of small presses, publishers, and artists will also be there selling books, prints, and ephemera. And Ben Lowy, Ed Panar, and Ron Jude will be signing books! More info.

This will be the iPL’s first crowd-sourced exhibition. Thank you to everyone who suggested titles from the collection. The following titles from the Indie Photobook Library archive will be on display:

Ada Hamza, Vol 3: Endless Vacation

Adria Canameras, Vol 2: Par Hazard

Aint Bad #2

Alexandra Silverthorne, MidNights

Andreas Schöning, Rooms

Andrew Bovasso, Conversations with Dan McNulty in Jersey City

Andrew Youngson, The Devils’ Garden

Aya Takada, Fragrance Petite

Bela Doka, The Sundays of Life

Bertil Nilsson, Undisclosed

Brad Rimmer, Silence: The Western Australian Wheatbelt

Calvin Lee, Restore Defaults

Carl Gunhouse, Suburban Youth; American Desire

Carl Gunhouse, Christine Rogers, Rachel Boillot, Tiana Peterson, The Promise of Real Estate

Chris Coekin, The Altogether

David Schulz, The Terrorist’s Handbook

David Underwood, Stapled Photo Grids

Deanna Dikeman, 27 Good-byes

Deborah Hamon, Girls: Fact and Fiction

Euan Forrester, Soundproof

Filipe Bianchi, India; Self-Portrait

Filipe Casaca, My Home is Where You Are

Gary Green, History

Hasisi Park

Jay Muhlin, Half Life: A Portrait of Lauren

Jeanne Friscia, A Piece of Heaven

John Pitsakis, 256 Days

Jonathan Lucas, Rorschach Test

Joyce P. Lopez, The Trouble with Birds

Kirk Carter, Curious Surfaces

Kyunghee Lee, Island

Lay Flat 01, Remain in Light

Lloyd Stubber, Scram

Marcus Bastel, But Where Are All the People

Matt Austin, Talking with Fear about Dying Tomorrow

My Own Wilderness

No Thoughts #7

Open to Interpretation, Water’s Edge

Paccarik Orue, There is Nothing Beautiful Around Here

Phillip Kalantzis-Cope, On the Plane

Robert Rutöd, Less is More

Roger Minick, American Biographics

Stacy Renee Morrison, Carl Gunhouse, Andrew Atkinson, Matt Kaelin, Emerging Photographers

Stefan Vanthuyne, From Here to Oblivion

Sumeja Tulic, Vol 1: Approaching the Encapsulated

Tammy Mercure, March 2012: Religion

Tell Mum Everything is ok

Thomas Bouquin and Pascal Amoyel, UN; DEUX

Indie Photobook Library at the PPAC Book Fair

The Indie Photobook Library has been invited to participate in the PPAC Second Annual Book Fair, this Saturday April 2, 2011.

Come visit the Indie Photobook Library
at the Philadelphia Photo Arts Center
1400 N. American St.
Philadelphia, PA 19122

Saturday April 2nd
Free and open to the public

A number of small presses, publishers, and artists will also be there including Blind Spot, Charles Lane Press, Chad Muthard, David Graham, David La Spina, Gottlund Verlag, Hassla Books, J&L Books, Ofer Wolberger, Ed Snyder, Roma Publications, A-Jump Books, Humble Arts Foundation, Lay Flat, and PhotoBookArts, to name a few.

The following titles from the Indie Photobook Library archive will be on display.

10: 10 Years of in-Public
38 Very Small Observations, Kevin J. Miyazaki
893 Magazine, Anton Kusters
A Nos Amours, Ariane Geffard and Michael J. DeMeo
Acdcnyc, Nemanja Knežević
Adam Revington
Afghanistan Redux, Benjamin Lowy
Album, Magazin fur Fotografie
Along the Niger, Ian Van Coller
Amnesia Hat Issue 1, Kenneth Traynor
Ankunft bei Aufbruch
Anywhere but Here, Alex Mctigue
Autre Eden, Philippe Lopparelli
B Sides, Stephen Gill
Backdrop: the search for home, Muriel Hasbun
Bedknobs and Broomsticks, Trent Parke
Before Things Change, Seth Fluker
Black Sea of Concrete, Rafal Milach
Blink 1
Blink 2
Burn .01
Carry Me Ohio, Matt Eich
Chica Barbie, Carl Bower
Club 13, Nils Petter Lofstedt
Conversations with Dan McNulty in Jersey City, Andrew Bovasso
Couples, Max Fallon
Deathcamp, RJ Shaughnessy
Depressive Landscapes, Armando Ribeiro
Desert Days, Matt Austin
Destination: Anywhere, Jordan Swartz
DIVE, Marco Onofri
Downcasting, Beau Brashares
Drei, Christopher Young
Durations of Time, Bill Purvis
Echolilia, Timothy Archibald
Empty Bottles, WassinkLundgren
Fading Light, Clay Lipsky
Fake Tales of America, Mathieu Lambert
Finds, Harry Watts
Five, Christopher Young
Forest Coast, Ben Grieme and Clarke Tolton
Found Piles & other Topographica, John Steck Jr
Fragments Vol One, John Steck Jr
Fragments Vol Two, Jimmey Leblanc
Freo, Chiara Terraneo
From Here to Oblivion, Stefan Vanthuyne
Gita Lenz
Golden Parachute, Jared Ritz
Grassland, Phil Underdown
Hamra Hajurama: Our Grandmothers
Hasisi Park
Hunt Them Out: Passport to Trespass Vol. VII, Mikael Kennedy
India, Filipe Bianchi
I Sell Fish, Joshua Deaner
I Still Don’t Know Which Way To Go, Jacob Pastrovich
I Thought You Knew Where All of the Elephants Lie Down, Andre Principe
I Want to Eat, Mariken Wessels
Kitintale, Yann Gross
Less is More, Robert Rutod
Living with Myself Forgetting, David Agasi
Lost in Learning, Eva Koleva Timothy
Lukasz Wierzbowski
Manifesto: The Journal of Smogranch, Daniel Milnor
Master and Everyone, Andre Principe
Mauerreste, Squale
Memento, Muriel Hasbun
Memories: Miroir Noir, Yann Orhan
Mornings/Evenings, Todd M Walker
Mosh, Justin Schmitz
Motion Sickness, Alain Marciano
Moving out of State- Reasonable, Scott Hubener
My Brother’s War, Jessica Hines
Nerves, Laetitia Donval
Neuperlach Zentrum, Thomas Wieland
New York City, Squale
Nicosia in Dark and White-Thodoris Tzalavras
Nowhere’s Home, Jordan Sullivan
Nobody is Nowhere, Lara Alegre
Not Many Kingdoms Left, Jeff Luker
Now We Are 30, Stuart Woodman
NY Low and High, Marco Onofri
October 14th, 1979, Mikael Kennedy
On Approach, Daniel Milnor
On This Earth, A Shadow Falls, Nick Brandt
one and two and up and down, Ting Cheng
One to Nothing, Irina Rozovsky
Open Books, Matt Kowal
Orchard Vol 1: Crime Victims Chronicle, Raymond Meeks and Deborah Luster
Owner of this World, Shawn Records
Passport to Trespass Vol. VI, Mikael Kennedy
Photographs and Pictures, Mark Peckmezian
Pluto, Mariko Ogawa
Puur, Melanie Rijkers
Queen Ann P.S .Belly Cut Off, Mariken Wessels
Rugby, Daniel D’Ottavio
Satellite, Pablo Hare
Shibuya, Nguan
Silence, Jose Pedro Cortes
Soundproof, Euan Forrester
Silent Pictures, Pat Graham
Small View, Gu Fan
Some Ways to Disappear Issue 1 and Issue 2
Stapled Photo Grids, David Underwood
Stranger Tongues, Jordan Carroll
Studio, Harry Watts
Svalbard, Greg White
Svart Metall, Grant Willing
Tangente, Laurent Chardon
Tell mum everything is ok, no. 4
Ten Days in July, Maxwell Anderson
The Dad Project, Briony Campbell
The Daily Round, Martin Brink
The Election Project, Simon Roberts
The Family, Stefan Bladh
The Hogtown Project, Nadine Dolly and Kristie Macor
The Kaddu Wasswa Archive, Andrea Stultiens
The Lightness of Being, Alinka Echeverria
The Pier, Nils Petter Lofstedt
The Singled Person
The Story of Four Generations, Yee Ling Tang
The Way Things Are, Anthony Blasko
Thrills & Chills, Isa Leshko
To See Here, Kerim Aytac
Tokyo Tokyo, WassinkLundgren
Transit, Ali Taptik
Unknown Land, Louis Porter
Very Very Short Stories vol. 1 illustrated, Jasmine
Vol. 1, Pauliana Valente Pimentel
Watch Me Jumpstart, Linn Heidi Stokkedal
Waterfall Spring 2010
When We Milk Each Other, Viktoria A. Lisbet
We Between Loss and Hope, Luca Piras
World Was in the Face of the Beloved, Erik Weeks

This selection of photobooks from the iPL collection highlights mostly recent acquisitions to the iPL with a handful of titles featured at the Flash Forward Festival and FotoWeek DC. Selected by Stephanie Obernesser and Larissa Leclair.