Title: Grìmsey
Photographer/s: Cole Barash
Contributor/s: Ian Frisch
Date of publication: 2015
Title: Grays the Mountain Sends (Second Edition)
Photographer/s: Bryan Schutmaat
Date of publication: 2014
Title: A Field Guide to Snow and Ice
Photographer/s: Paula McCartney
Contributor/s: Mark Alice Durant
Date of publication: 2014
Title: Grays the Mountain Sends
Photographer/s: Bryan Schutmaat
Contributor/s: William Kittredge
Date of publication: 2013
Title: Orchard Volume Three / Idyll
Photographer/s: Raymond Meeks and Mark Steinmetz
Contributor/s: cover and binding design by Rory Sparks and Kevin Messina
Date of publication: November 2011
Title: Orchard Volume Two / Not Seen | Not Said
Photographer/s: photographs by Raymond Meeks, drawings by Wes Mills
Date of publication: July 2011
Title: My Grandmother’s Polaroids
Photographer/s: Dorothy and Raymond Bradley
Contributor/s: Binding and letterpress-printed endsheets by Rory Sparks
Date of publication: February 27, 2011