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Indie Photobook Library » Simon Roberts

Songs from the Heart

Songs From The Heart

Title: Songs from the Heart

Photographer/s: BredaPhoto (54 different photographers) Guy Archard / Karmen Ayvazyan / Henny van Belcom / Eline Benjaminsen / Charlotte Boeyden / Chen Boijan / Karin Borghouts / Eelco Brand / Andrew Bush / Tom Callemin / Lisa van Casand / Emre Celikcan / Bert Danckaert / Sven Fritz / Andrej Glusgold / Taichi Gondaira / Martijn van de Griendt / Albert Grøndahl / Alexander Gronsky / Photographer Hal / Gregory Halpern / Koen Hauser / Todd Hido / Tom Hunter / Debby Huysman / Keiitchi Ito / Jos Jansen / Martha Kamminga / Jakub Karwowski / Yves Kerckhoffs / An-Sofie Kesteleijn / Ola Lanko / Wayne Lawrence / Anne Lucassen / Joshua Lutz / Óscar Monzón / Yoshi Nagata / Asako Naharashi / Wiesje Peels / Simon Roberts / Stéphanie Roland / Jan Rosseel / Delphine Schacher / Bryan Schutmaat / Diego Slosse / Alec Soth / Ed Templeton / Rein Jelle Terpstra / Tessa Van Thielen / Jeroom Vanderbeke / Gert Verbelen / Kris Vervaeke / Hans Wilschut / Mariska van Zutven

Contributor/s: Guido van Eyck (text), Maarten Doorman (essay), Saskia Naafs (translation), Felix Bisschoff (lithography)

Date of publication: 2014

This Is A Sign

This Is A Sign © Simon Roberts

Title: This Is A Sign

Photographer/s: Simon Roberts

Date of publication: 2012

The Election Project

Title: The Election Project

Photographer/s: Simon Roberts

Contributor/s: Greg Hobson
Sean O’Hagan
Peter Wilby

Date of publication: 15th September 2010